
Showing posts from February, 2009


we quarrel again...most of the time, the reason will be the same...because of someone. frankly to say, i really cant put off although everything has been gone, and i was forgive him. tonight, due to the same reason, we quarrel again.i guess, im not too over to ask for this request, i just want my heart to be settle down, i just dont want to think and worry so much.and now, i was realized that no matter how hars i tried, the consequences will be the same.... i love him so much....but i dunno whether he's belong to me.i have no confident to maintain this relationship...


2.2.2009, 是我的生日。在我生日的前一天,我原以为朋友们已经忘了我的生日,所以就打算主动的约会他们,约他们去唱k, 一起倒数我的生日。怎料到,原来他们早已经预定了房间,准备和我一起庆祝的!我知道以后顿时觉得很窝心,原来他们还记得呢。。。。真的很感动。一直以来,虽然他们知道我的生日,但是我从来都没有和他们一起庆祝过的,只因为往年来我都是和我男朋友一起过的。 终于到了十二点了,眼看他们好像都没有为我而准备生日蛋糕,我以为今年的生日没有蛋糕吃了。。。。怎么知道,突然间有人推门进来,捧着一个生日蛋糕进来呢!我傻眼了。。。原来是真的有的!他们真的没有忘记!我好感动。。。大家为我唱生日歌,唱了又唱,真的好高兴。 在切蛋糕之前,我许下了愿望。。那愿望是。。。^^ 收到了三份礼物, 其中一份是我姐姐送的咯!一条白金手链。。。好喜欢哦!唱歌到了差不多一点钟,我姐姐她们说要second round 去clubing, 大家都赞成,就去了咯。。o(∩_∩)o...哈哈。。。结果那一晚,我们玩到早晨5点多才拖着疲累的身躯回家呢! 虽然是超累,脚是超及的痛,但是,我还是很高兴哦!!只因为有他们的陪伴。。。。 frens,i love u guys so so much!!!frenship 4ever!!!