Black sunday!!!

today was my black sunday
initially, i plan go to HSBC to pay back the credit card payment
we meet an accident in the half way!!

we already put on signal tend to turn left
suddently out of our mind
a motocycle drove so fast n i guess he did not see our signal
he tend to go straight on....
then crashed with our car!!!

he was so shit
never meant to admit his fault
n turn to us said that we are not put on signal to turn left!!
oh my god, what the fuck with him?
i that ok with his eyes??
is he fault ok!!
he should not cut our car from left hand side right?
even by law, he was wrong!!

what to make me felt angry is he was a chinese guy!!!
i never thought that got such stubborn chinese!
n dun want to compensate to us!
our car get hurt more than him even his bike!
we are not ask for more,
just ask for RM2oo
but he said that he did not fault
why must he pay for it?
oh my god!!
what the fuck he was talking about!!

i relly fed up to talk to him
i guess he was poor student
no money to pay for it

he thought that he bleeding n injured then is our fault
oh god,
is he come n crash us...
no choice
nothing can do
we have to repair it ourself n not plan to claim insurance
eventhough need to spend more than thousand to it

after this,
i just hope that the sucker guy will confess to himself that he was wrong
and we already report to police since he do not want to admit his fault

i just can say,
today was unlucky day to me!!!black sunday...


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